PZA Boy Stories


Life Is Not All Fun and Games


The adventures of a 16 year old babysitter and his 11 year old pupil.
Publ. 2002 (Nifty); this site Nov 2013
Finished? 10,000 words (20 pages)


Bobby (11yo) and Chris (16yo)

Category & Story codes

Teen-Boy story/domination
tb Mtcoerc mast oral – humil bond


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


Chapter 1

"Now Bobby, you be a good boy for Chris," said Mrs. Kalin as she walked out of the door.

"Well, Bobby, what do you want to do first?" said Chris as the door closed behind Bobby's mom.

"I like to play games!" said Bobby, as he eyed up his new babysitter, Chris Burns.

"Sure, Bobby, we can play any kind of game you want," replied Chris, as he tried to think of games that 11year old boys like to play.

"I want to play Nintendo 64," yelled Bobby before Chris could get out a response.

"Sure thing, I love video games, anything you want, let's have a blast!" This was turning out perfectly, thought Chris, as he sat down next to Bobby to play a boxing game Bobby had selected. Chris was 16 and finishing up his junior year of high school. He had decided to give babysitting a try to earn some extra money. In addition, to playing soccer for the Varsity team in the fall, Chris loved to swim, play tennis and, like many athletes, loved to play video games, especially sports video games.

"I wanna be Ali!" shouted Bobby when they sat down to play.

"Hey not fair!" said Chris, as Bobby gave him a wry smile. "Fine, I will be 3; Oscar De La Hoya!" One great thing about the game was that it allowed different weight classes to fight equally, but none were as great of Ali.

"Bam!" shouted Bobby as his character used its special move on De la Hoya.

"Nice shot, but watch 3; this!" Chris said as De la Hoya landed a series of blows to Ali's gut. Chris quickly noticed that even with Ali's greater punching skills, his older reflexes were no match for Bobby. However, Chris wanted to start out on the right foot and eventually, "Haha, I win," screamed Bobby triumphantly as he KO'd De la Hoya.

"Nice job little bro'," replied Chris as he gave Bobby a high five. "That was really fun, you are good for you age."

"Thanks Chris," said Bobby as he gave Chris a wry smile. "Do you know it is illegal to touch little boys?" said Bobby.

"What do you mean Bobby?" asked Chris with a puzzled look.

"Well Chris, suppose that I were to tell my mom that you had touched me in my private areas."

"Why would you do that Bobby?" asked Chris with a genuine expression of confusion.

"If I were to tell my mom that you touched me you would get in a lot of trouble, wouldn't you?" said Bobby as Chris continued his puzzled look.

"Chris, you wanna play another game?"

"Umm, what kind of game?"

"In this game I order you around and you entertain me. First, take off your pants"

"What? What are you talking about?" asked Chris, at this point completely confused

"Well, Chris, the way I see it, you either take off your pants or I will tell my Mom that you were touching me in bad places."

"That is a lie!" shouted Chris as what was happening dawned on him. "I never did any such thing!"

"It doesn't matter" said Bobby. "Who do you think people will believe, you or me? Think about it 3; Some will believe me. Do you want to be known around town as a child molester?"

Chris stared at Bobby in disbelief, unable to say a word.

"Take off your pants now Chris 3; or else."

Chris slowly began to unbutton his pants, hands trembling. Bobby watched as Chris pulled down the zipper and slowly pushed his pants down past his hips. Chris stood there with his white Hanes briefs visible beneath his T-shirt, at least up to where it crested and fell back along his rear. His crotch was clearly visible pressing against the fabric and showing beneath his white T-shirt.

"Take them all the way off and stand over there facing the sliding door," said Bobby in a more commanding tone.

"Fine," said Chris as he took off each shoe and removed his pants one leg at a time. He went over to the appointed spot and faced the sliding glass door.

Bobby walked over and stood next to Chris. "Now take off your shirt."

"Look Bobby, I am not sure what is up here, but this has gone far enough," said Chris as he tried to reason with Bobby.

"Fine Chris, I will just tell my mommy that you tried to touch me in bad places and that you took off your pants and showed me your white Hanes briefs. Take off your shirt Chris and nothing bad will happen."

Chris stared at Bobby, but not wanted to make him upset, Chris lifted off his T-shirt, showing off his smooth body and well rounded pecs and athletic abs, but also completely exposing himself. He now stood there in only his white cotton briefs and his white athletic socks.

Bobby walked around Chris and then said, "Please massage my back." Bobby walked to the side of Chris. Turned and hesitantly began to massage Bobby's back, hoping that this would be the worst of it.

"That is enough. Just keep doing what I say and I will not tell my mom anything."

Chris just nodded. "Walk over to the freezer and get out two glasses of ice." Chris proceeded to follow Bobby's orders filling up two glasses of ice. "Now, dump one down the front of your briefs and one down the back," said Bobby with a wry smile.

Chris reached with his left hand and pulled on the elastic touching his back as he slowly dumped the ice into his briefs. "Make sure not to let any fall to the floor!," shouted Bobby as he watched his captive in glee.

Chris' face contorted as the ice touched his ass. Goosebumps went all over his body and his nipples became erect. Chris' breathing became more labored. "Now the other glass," said Bobby unable to hide his smile. Chris slowly lifted the elastic that clung to him just inches below his abs and this time quickly dumped the ice into his briefs.

"Shit!" yelped Chris as freezing pain enveloped him around his butt cheeks and right above his dick as the frozen ice penetrated him. Chris tried to move in different positions, but because of his briefs, the ice pressed against him in all places.

"Now take little steps!," laughed Bobby as he watched Chris squirming in agony. 'Why did I have to wear briefs today?' thought Chris as the ice slowly adjusted itself around the upper base of his penis. With all the ice in them, they were quite tight, with the waistband on the front slightly off his stomach. In addition, Chris noticed that the coldness of the ice had caused him to become erect, forcing the ice even closer against his body. Fortunately, for his predicament the ice bulging in the front and his penis pointing straight up hid his erection.

As he took little steps two ice cubes from the back slipped in between his butt cheeks, causing a cold sensation, but fortunately, it removed the stinging pain from his cheeks, as they were slightly separated from his skin hanging in the back of his briefs.

"Put your hands behind your head and stand there in front of the mirror," said Bobby, still laughing at Chris' position.

Chris felt so ridiculous standing there looking at himself with 16 ice cubes down his briefs, 8 in the back and 8 in the front and an erection to boot. He felt silly with the hair in his pits sticking out. Bobby probably didn't even know what an erection was. In addition, the ice was stinging everywhere it was touching his skin, most of it had stopped moving as it settled into place, making it even more painful.

"Now turn around and spread your legs, and make sure none fall to the ground," said Bobby as he smiled in anticipation.

The water from the ice was already leaking its way down to his balls, producing a cold sensation as it trickled down each one and into the soft cotton beneath them. But as he spread his legs the ice began to slide down to his balls. A freezing sensation began as his balls and still erect penis were surrounded by the ice. In addition, the ice from the back had slid down to his asshole and was resting against it and the back of his balls. His sac shriveled up in response, producing even more room for the ice to move.

Because of the tension on his briefs from the ice and the erection, his briefs had separated from his groins, the soft cotton trim now separated from skin. Air began to circulate through his groin, blowing over his wet genitals, producing a tingling sensation. As he stood there, with his arms over his head and his underwear tenting out he felt one of the pieces of ice slowly glide across his scrotum. With his athletic reflexes he reached down and caught the piece of ice as it plummeted to the floor.

"Nice grab!," screamed Bobby as Chris stood there with one arms behind his head and the other holding the piece of ice. "Now put it back commanded Bobby."

Chris brought is right arm down and pulled at the elastic waistband. "No, put it back from where it fell out and put your other arm back behind your head until I say to move it."

Chris placed the ice back from where it fell out, right next to his left testicle. He stood there trying not to move and put his left arm back behind his head.

"OK, put your legs back together," said Bobby.

Cold water began to trickle down his legs as the cotton of his soaked underwear failed to absorb the slowly melting ice.

"OK, now open the sliding glass door and walk outside to your left and stand next to that tree."

Chris stared at Bobby, "No way, I have done everything you have said but I am not going outside, it is freezing and windy and someone might see me. No way dude," Chris yelled as he brought his hands down from behind his head.

"Fine, then I will just tell my Mom."

Chris glared at Bobby, but reached out to the sliding glass door and opened it and tentatively walked a step outside. It was probably about 45 degrees [7°C] outside, but in his wet frozen underwear it felt like 20 [-7°C]. Plus, there was a biting wind blowing in from the West that sent chill downs his spine. He wrapped his arms around him to keep warmer.

Chris walked to the tree and stood there waiting for Bobby's next order, but Bobby did not say another word, he just turned around and started to played a video game.

Chris stood there freezing. By this point the stinging of the ice had turned into a dull pain. Most of it was about half melted, but now the melting had slowed. His erection had disappeared and the water had made his cock and balls shrivel up allowing it to be completely surrounded by the remaining ice. The wind did not help matters. Chris looked around, but did not see any house that had a view of him, which was fortunate, because he was out there in wet underwear and socks, completely exposed to the world. You could see his butt and pubic hair through the wet underwear. Only the double padding on the front hid his cock.

After about 10 minutes Chris yelled to Bobby, "Let me in!! It is freezing out here, just let me in please."

Bobby walked over to the door. "I will let you in if you promise to entertain me, this is getting kinda boring."

"Ummm, ok, fine, just let me in."

"OK," said Bobby with that same wry smile, "But, you have to crawl back in and first take that ice out of your underwear."

Chris turned around to the woods and pulled down the front of his underwear dumping the ice out as fast as he could. At this point his cock and balls were incredibly small trying to stay as close to the warmth of his body as they could. He hoped that they would warm up again soon. Chris, then got down on his hands and knees and crawled back into the house as Bobby shut the door.

"OK, now get up and walk over to the fridge."

Chris, whose breathing had now started to return to normal walked to the fridge. "Open it up," said Bobby "and get out two chocolate pudding cups and two vanilla pudding cups."

Chris took out the pudding cups as Bobby commanded.

"OK, now open them up and dump the vanilla down the front of your underwear and the chocolate down the back," exclaimed Bobby as he burst into laughter.

Chris' eyes widened, but he knew he had no choice.

Chris opened the cups and pulled at the elastic waistband and dumped each pudding down the front and back of his pants. Chris felt so pathetic being ordered around by an 11 year old. The pudding was cold, but nowhere near so compared to the ice.

"Take some of the vanilla left in the cup and rub it on your chest and then take a walk around outside"

Chris rubbed the vanilla on his smooth chest and walked through the still open door outside. The cold wind on his wet pudding filled underwear did not feel good, but he still walked around the yard. The pudding was squishing through his and getting everywhere.

"You look like you shit yourself and came," screamed Bobby with glee. "Reach into your briefs with your hands and eat the pudding" said Bobby still laughing.

Chris reluctantly reached down his front and started to pull out globs of pudding Most of the pudding had gotten all in his pubic hair. As Chris was eating the pudding, there was pubic hair in his mouth. He pulled some out.

"What are you doing? I said eat what is in your underwear. Eat everything."

Chris put the pubic hairs back in his mouth and begrudging swallowed them.

Chris ate all the pudding he could get from the front and then reached down the back and ate the chocolate. It must have looked to Bobby like he was eating his own cum and shit because Bobby could not stop laughing.

"OK, that is enough pudding," proclaimed Bobby.

Chris stood there with pubic hair in his mouth and pudding all over his body and wet underwear.

"What now?" asked Chris as he braced himself for the next 'entertainment'.

"Go to the bathroom and take off your underwear and put them in your school bag, wipe yourself off with toilet paper as best you can and then put your clothes back on."

Chris, although visibly shaken, seemed relieved to be able to put his clothes back on as he walked into the bathroom.

Chris put his pudding stained underwear into the front compartment of his bag so nothing would get ruined. Then he washed himself off with water and dried himself and the floor with toilet paper. Some inevitably got stuck in his pubic hair, but it was a small price to pay. He put his clothes back on and walked back into the room.

"For the rest of the night you will walk on your hands and knees".

So Chris ended up crawling around the house getting Bobby all sorts of things, from cookies to a glass of milk, candy, stuff that Bobby didn't need and made him put back. He also served as Bobby's footstool. At this point it seemed Bobby was running out of steam.

As Bobby went up to bed, well after his parent's had told Chris to tuck him in, he said, "One last thing, before you leave, there is a sealed envelope in the mail box, make sure to do whatever it says." And with that Bobby was off to bed, before Chris could ask the inevitable question 3; "What does it say?"

Chapter 2

Chris walked out the house with 40 dollars in his right pocket. Not bad for 4 hours of babysitting, but certainly he would have paid twice as much never to have to have come here in the first place.

As he was walking towards his car he saw the mailbox by the curb and remembered Bobby's charge. He opened the mailbox and removed an envelope, sealed with nothing written on the front or back. Assuming it was for him Chris took it with him into his car. He went to put it in the front pouch of his bag, but thought better of it and stuck it in with his books.

He drove home and pulled up next to the curb, got out of his car and went into his home.

"Hi Chris," said his Mom, "How was babysitting?"

"It went fine, made 40 bucks and got some homework done," replied Chris as he went into his room before his Mom could notice the paleness of his face.

Chris slowly sat down on his bed, with his book bag next to him. He removed the envelope and began to shake. He was scared as to what was inside. He finally got up his nerve and ripped it open, revealing a folded piece of paper.

He unfolded the paper and saw a simple instruction.

Meet at the woods at 2am, about 100 yards down from and across the street from your house. Wear your underwear from tonight. Bring the money you made tonight. You know what happens if you don't obey.

That was it. Chris stared at the piece of paper and seriously thought about telling his Mom or calling a friend or the police. He still had four hours until 2am. Reaching into the front pocket of his book bag he took out his still wet pudding stained white hanes briefs. After looking at them for a few minutes, the reality of the situation dawned on him.

Here he was, a 16 year old high school junior being commanded to do the most disgusting perverse things by an 11 year old boy. Chris wondered how an 11 year old boy could be so deranged as he placed the stained briefs over his desk chair.

Chris thought about just beating the kid up, but then he worried that Bobby would have physical proof of assault. He couldn't tell anyone, what a ridiculous situation. But there just had to be some way out of it. Chris' anxiety rose as it approached 1:45am. He decided just to follow the directions on the note and talk to Bobby and figure out what he could do to resolve the situation. He would have done it earlier, but the shock of the situation had paralyzed him.

Chris also had something else planned for Bobby. He grabbed his voice recorder from his desk. He could tape Bobby and use it as evidence against him.

Chris quietly snuck out of his house, softly closing the door behind him. He sprinted across the front of his house and across the street to the opening that led to the woods. Because the whole area was lighted he didn't want anyone to see him walking into the woods at 2am. Finally, he reached the darkened patch of land and walked the remaining 15 feet [5 m] to the woods.

Taped to a tree, about 10 feet [3 m] in and clearly visible was a note.

Walk 20 feet [6 m] forward and put this note in your pocket
Chris tore off the note and stuck it in his left pocket as he walked 20 feet deeper into the woods and saw a second note.

Take off your shirt and pants and leave them by this tree. Then stick this note in your pants and walk 25 feet [8 m] to your left.
Chris listened for the sound of anyone around him. He heard nothing. Because there was a full moon out and the trees had not completely returned to life, it was still light enough to see. Chris figured that Bobby was waiting at the final destination.

Chris took off his shoes, and then his pants, revealing the stained underwear beneath his shirt. Next he took his shirt off, revealing his smooth chest and abs glistening in the moonlight. For a 16 year old, he had quite broad shoulders and a pretty slender waist.

Chris put his shoes back on, feeling quite silly in his shoes, socks and briefs. He took the note off the tree and put it in his pants. As he did so he deftly removed the tape recorder and not knowing what else to do with it stuck it down his briefs.

He quietly approached the area and saw the swinging tire hanging down from the tree that he used to play on. In meticulously following the directions he hadn't really noticed he was heading to an old play area. The tire was hanging from a rope suspended about 8 feet [2½ m] off the ground. That was quite odd thought Chris because normally it was about 3 feet [1 m] off the ground. He looked up and saw that someone had swung the tire around the branch.

He still heard no one around, but saw instructions taped to the tree.

Reach into the tire and find a pair of handcuffs. Take the handcuffs and put them on one hand, then put it threw the tire and cuff the other hand.

That was it, another simple instruction. He reached in and found the pair of handcuffs, he figured they were the kind of handcuffs that come with a magic set, the trick kind. He reached into his briefs and took out the tape recorder, putting it on voice activated play. He snapped on one cuff and reached up and snapped on the other. There he stood, in his stained underwear, with his hands handcuffed through a tire above his head.

Chris stared into the woods hoping for a sign of Bobby.

After about five minutes, Chris saw a light and heard footsteps through the twigs. Chris peered into the distance as the figure approached.

"Holy shit! What the fuck happened here?" said a young male voice as a light shined in Chris' eyes.

Realizing it was not Bobby though Chris froze.

"Are you ok?" asked the voice.

Chris stammered a reply, "Yes, I am fine."

"What the hell are you doing?" asked the voice.

"Just a prank some friends of mine played on me, nothing big, don't worry."

"Are you sure, do you want me to get you down," said the voice as the figure approached. Chris could see it was a boy, about the age of 13 or 14. Even the in dark he looked quite handsome, smooth face and an even build. He had placed his bag down, apparently preparing to help.

Then the light shined down to his underwear. "Shit! Did you cum on yourself and shit in your pants?"

"No! No!" said Chris as he blushed with complete embarrassment. "Umm, it is just pudding 3; a joke they are playing on me, really everything is fine, you should just go its ok," he said with a wavering voice. He needed this kid to leave so Bobby could come. Also the voices were activating the tape, wasting precious space.

As the kid shined the light over his body Chris was becoming more and more embarrassed. "Well, I guess I will just continue on my way home," the kid said with a confused look.

As he turned away Chris half wished he had let the kid help, but he didn't want to piss Bobby off or ruin his chance to tape him. The kid walked to his bag, and picked it up and then stopped.

"Do you go to the high school? I think I have seen you around before, aren't you Chris Burns, on the soccer team?"

"Ummm, no, you must be thinking of someone else sorry," said Chris, now blushing furiously.

"No, it is you isn't it, I have watched your games before, I play on the JV freshman team. Is this some kind of Varsity soccer ritual?"

"Yeah, I am not supposed to tell anyone, this is supposed to be a secret. This is the senior initiation. Every junior must go through this, it is for team bonding or something. You had better get out of here before they come back, if they catch you who knows what they will do." Chris took a deep breath as he realized how cool he had acted, well, as cool as one can be in his situation.

"Shit, good idea, yeah I am outta here!" said the kid as he turned and started to walk away, "But first, before I leave!" Chris saw heard a click and saw a flash of light as the kid turned around, and then another flash, shit the kid was taking pictures of him. Chris turned from him but the kid just kept snapping picture after picture.

After about ten pictures the kid stopped and started laughing. "Chris, you have a car right?"

Chris just glared at him.

"Well, if you don't want me to email these to the entire school then you just drive me wherever I want to go for the rest of the semester and all summer."

"Fuck you!" said Chris as the kid ran off into the woods before the 'imaginary' soccer teammates got back.

Shit, thought Chris, this was getting totally out of hand, it was one thing to be in this mess with Bobby, but now this kid had pictures of him in this pathetic state. The kid must have gotten the camera out when he turned away, fuck fuck fuck fuck, thought Chris, what was he going to do. He just hoped Bobby showed up soon, this was getting out of control.

Around 15 minutes later, Chris looked up and saw a figure emerging from the brush. Finally, Bobby had arrived.

The figure stopped about 15 feet [7 m] away. "Looking for these Chrisss," hissed the voice out of the dark. It definitely wasn't Bobby.

"Who are you? Looking for what? How do you know who I am?" asked Chris in a panicked voice. After the last encounter Chris had been shaken.

"The keyss of coursse. The handcuffss above your head ssillly," hissed the voice as the figure stepped forward.

It was a boy, perhaps 12-16, with a black ski mask over his head, long black sleeves, pants and gloves so nothing was visible.

"Who are you and how do you have the keys to these handcuffs?" demanded Chris.

"I am nobody sssspecial," hissed the figure. "Ass for the keyss, let'ss just ssay that I know all about you and Bobby." With that the figure took a camera out of a black bag he was dragging next to him. "Thiss is a camera, with a high focuss lenss. I have picturess of you with that little boy, massaging him in your underwear. Perhapss I should take them to the policsse"

"No! I was not 3; look, he forced to me, I mean, he said if I didn't massage him in my underwear that he would tell his parents I had molested him, I mean, wait, look he." Chris tried to explain the situation to the figure, but the more he said, the worse it sounded.

"That makess no sensse, Chrisss, I wonder how that will ssound to the judge."

Chris was at a loss for words, in total shock. Then a thought occurred to him, "Hey wait, how did you know I would be here?"

"Well, well, well, you are not ass dumb ass I thought. Yess, you have figured it out, Bobby wass jusst an innocent pawn in my game. Do you think an eleven year old would be sssmart enough to figure that out?"

Chris just stood there staring into the distance. "I guess not. Let'ss just say that have taken care of Bobby and he won't tell his parentss anything about what occurred. Of course, if I mail these picturess to Bobby'ss parentss ssomeone will have to explain. What are you going to ssay? A myssteriouss figure had blackmailed you? Eventually Bobby will ssee the picturess, talk with hiss parentss and become convincsssed that you molesssted him. He will of coursse tell them about me, and hiss parentss will of coursse not believe him."

"What the fuck do you want?" exclaimed Chris as he could take no more..

"Eassy there boy. Chriss, you were not counting on me. You were expecting a little 11 year old boy. Sssee Chris, I am not sstupid. Sso it iss a bad idea to fuck with me!" he hissed.

"What do you mean, I have done everything you ssaid!" Chris hissed back with mock emphasis.

Suddenly the figure walked forward and reached into the tire. "What is thiss? Chriss, I watched you come here. I ssaw you transsaction with the boy. Quite amusing, I had not counted on that. This highpowered lense allows me to see far. That tape recorder ssticking out of your briefss. Chriss let me explain the ruless. Do not attempt to fuck with me, or you will get sscrewed.," the figure hissed, hissing out spit onto Chris' exposed chest.

Chris just stood there gaping, destroyed that his tape recorder had been found.

"Don't worry darling, I won't sshow thosse picturess to anyone. In fact, I doubt Bobby will tell anyone what happened. He hass never met me and never will. After this I will have no more contact with him. I told him to give thiss a try, I didn't imagine that it would work sso well. In exchange for thiss he now has a few porn magazines, your night entertainment and some CD's his parents wouldn't let him buy."

Chris was still in shock.

"But, if you disobey me I will sshow everyone thesse pictures." And with that he took out his camera and patiently began to photograph Chris.

"Now posse for me, or I will just leave you here and publissh thesse." Chris couldn't believe that another person was taking pictures of him. But these were even worse. He made Chris smile into the camera, flex his muscles and get an erection. He then pulled Chris' underwear down and took more pictures. He took pictures of Chris' pits and close-ups of his face. In a few Chris had to lick his pits and pose with his tongue in them. All the time Chris was hanging there helpless. He even put a condom over Chris' erect cock and took pictures of that. Then he smeared some vanilla yogurt on Chris which made it look like he had cum himself. When he had taken perhaps 85 shots he put down his camera and said:

"Chriss, now is the moment of trusst. Ssee, I guess the logical ssolution for you would be to eventually capture me and take picturess of me in compromissing situationss. Well, if you want to go for it, but I will tell you that I won't care. Let'ss just ssay that my reputation doessn't matter. Ass for you, it would be your picturess ssent to everyone in the class. And believe me they will look. I will ssend them out to all the gay porn sitess and everywhere. If you want to play chicken with me, you will losse."

With his underwear still around his ankles, the mysterious figure got a short rope with to metal rings at either end. He made Chris cross his legs and then tied them up. He then got a padlock and locked it around either ring so it could not be untied.

"You ssee Chriss, I was just going to let you go with this final interaction. You clothess are sstill in the ssame place. But you sscrewed me over. And I must sshow you what happenss to you. You ssee Chris, or I sshould ssay you don't ssee," as he tied a bandana around Chris' eyes, "I am not one to mess around with, now Chris I musst take your handss down from the tire, but if I do ssso you will probably try to attack me. Of coursse you will likely losse, but you never know. Perhaps I should break your armss sso you cannot attack or maybe knock you unconsciouss?"

Chris' eyes widened underneath his bandana. "No, don't do that! I won't put up a fight, please don't do that!"

"Well, like I said, the moment of trusst. But let'ss make ssure thingss don't get out of hand. This is a choke collar, if you make any movess I just pull on it and you choke" With that Chris felt him place the chain over his head. Then he reached up to unlock the handcuffs. Now was his chance, though. Chris reached out to grab him, but in his effort he fell over because of his legs.

"Bad move Chriss, perhapss I sshould teach you a lesson."

"No no!" screamed Chris, "I will do what you want," as he felt the collar begin to tighten around his neck.

"Good boy. Put your handss behind your back and lock the cuffss into place."

Chris reached back as if to lock his cuffs, but then suddenly grabbed onto the leash to pull down his captor. Instead, he just came down with the leash as his captor had deftly let go. Chris reached up to take off the blindfold when he felt a sharp pain course throughout his groin. He fell inward in pain.

"Bad bad boy" Chris heard as he felt a knee pinning him on his back. He was in too much pain to respond as his arms were quickly locked into place behind him.

"Bad move Chriss, but not ssurprissing. Addss an element of fun to this game."

Well Chriss, I guess I sshould let you go home, you will find the keyss to thesse lockss on the right sside of your housse. In the sshadows of the bushess, I do want you to have some dignity. Oh well, look at you in that pile, I feel bad now, let me help you out."

With that he pulled up Chris' underwear and helped him to his feet. Chris kept an unsteady balance as he fought against his feet being tied, his hands behind his back and the pain emanating from his testicles from where the figure had kicked him.

"Let me take off that blindfold too, I don't think you could get home with it on. And the choke collar too. Who ssayss I don't have a heart? And, sso you don't cry out and attract attention to yoursself, I will even put a piece of duct tape over your mouth. Now make ssure when you get back to the housse that you are in the ssame condition as when you left, I would hate to think that you don't apprecssiate my kindness."

Chris tried to say something, but his voice was muffled by the tape.

"Yess yess, I agree, it will be an adventure getting home. Oh and don't say I don't care, here is the money you earned tonight." He hissed as he stuffed the 40 dollars down Chris' underwear.

"Toodless." And with that he was off.

There was Chris standing there in the middle of the woods in his stained underwear, socks and sneakers with his legs bound and his arms in handcuffs behind his wrists and he still had yet to even start his journey home. Chris carefully hopped through the woods and somehow made it to the clearing. So far so good, he thought as he stared ahead. In front of him was a completely lighted way to his house. It was now, likely 3:30am, most likely no one was out, but if anyone saw him it was over. Chris looked both ways and saw no one. He began his unsteady hop towards the sidewalk across the lighted clearing. With each bounce his balls and cock bounced with him, it was pretty pathetic, but at least no one could see him. As he approached the sidewalk he saw someone coming. Shit thought Chris, where did that guy come from? He hurriedly tried to turn around, but this caused him to fall on the ground. Fuck! What am I going to do now. He could not get up for fear the man would see him so he tried to squirm back to the darkened foliage.

But it was to no avail.

He heard the man's footsteps as he came running towards him. "Oh my god, are you ok?"

Chris nodded his head.

"Are you sure, perhaps I should call the police?"

Chris shook his head NO vigorously.

Well let me help you out here at least, as the man dragged the protesting Chris into the foliage.

Chris hoped this man would just let him explain and leave. The last thing he needed was the police to come and his parents to come out and all the neighbors to see him.

"So you don't want me to call the police?"

Chris shook his head NO.

"You know, you are a very cute boy," said the man as he began caressing Chris' face.

Chris' eyes bulged.

He started to lick Chris' face and kiss it softly while his other hand rubbed Chris' pecs and abs.

"I have a thing for young teens. That is quite some underwear you have. I think we don't need that anymore said the man as he pulled the underwear down to Chris' ankles. Chris now lay there on his back with a man caressing his body and his cock lying between his balls.

"That is quite a nice cock you have there," said the man as he began to lightly caress it. "Nice balls too," he said as he gave them a squeeze. Chris' cock was about 4 inches [10 cm] soft and 7.5 inches [19 cm] hard.

"Can I see it hard please?" said the man as he started to rub Chris' forehead and stroke his shaft. "Just close your eyes and think of some really pretty girl and it will be over soon."

As Chris' closed his eyes he slowly began to suck his cock, rubbing his tongue up and down the shaft. Sometimes he would stop and start kissing Chris all over his body, while rubbing his hand on the spit lubed cock. Chris lay there in agony, he had no idea what was going to happen. He was tied up with his briefs below his feet, he back on the bare ground, naked with a strange man kissing and caressing him and stroking his cock and sucking on it.

"It looks from the money in your briefs that this is some sort of prank, perhaps I should finish this before your friends come looking. Please just squirt a load for me, there is nothing like a fresh load of teen cum. With that he started stroking Chris' cock in earnest, licking the head and playing with the balls. Chris tried his best to think of girls, or anything that would make him shoot so he could get this over with.

Suddenly he stopped. Chris opened his eyes. "Having trouble shooting honey?" Chris nodded his head. "You have shot before?" Chris nodded his head again. "Just close your eyes and pretend and it will be over soon the man whispered into Chris' ear."

Chris tried again and the man kept rubbing his cock, eventually Chris felt the tension build up in his groin, and his butt and toes clenched, he took a deep breath in and shot a few loads onto his stomach.

"Great work" said the man to the exasperated Chris. "Well I am true to my word, but one last thing before I go." The man then slurped all the cum out of Chris' chest and out of his pubes. Oh god, this man was going to drink his cum, what a night. But the man reached out and ripped the left side of the duct tape off of Chris' mouth.

"Ahhh!" yelled Chris, but before he even knew what happened, the man was on his mouth and had spit the cum and some pubic hairs into his mouth. Then the man put the duct tape back on, kissed Chris a few more times and said, "Let's just pretend this never happened." And with that Chris was lying there in his own sweat and cum, with some cum and pubes in his mouth and a couple tears trickling down his face.

He was about to try to grind the duct tape off of his mouth when he remembered that he had to get to his house the way he was left. If he tried to get the duct tape off he could never get it back on. Chris thought about swallowing it, but instead decided to hold it in his mouth, he couldn't bear eating it. The taste was awful, but he figured it would be out soon.

He reached back and after some struggle he managed to get his briefs up over his ass. He then squirmed against the ground until the front was over his crotch, it wasn't comfortable, but he couldn't leave them around his ankles. With some effort he managed to slip the money back into his briefs as well.

He got up on his knees and tried to struggle to his feet but found it impossible. So on his knees he crawled across the opening and across the street. The asphalt was pretty painful so he tried to move as fast as he could. He hoped to God no one had seen him. He went across his grass and to the side of his house into the bushes. Thank God, he had made it. He looked around for the keys but did not see them.

"Looking for thesse?" hissed a voice. Chris looked up and saw the mysterious firgure holding some keys. Chris nodded his head. "That cssertainly looked like an adventure. One lasst thing before I go," he hissed as he grabbed a knife and deftly cut Chris' briefs off. Then he took the briefs and started to walk away. "But you can keep thiss, it iss dissgussting," he hissed vehemently as he threw the cum stained bills at Chris.

"Oh, you probably want thesse," he hissed as he reached into the bag and threw Chris' clothes and the keys at him. "Jusst leave your chainss outssside. Toodless." And with that he walked away.

Chris saw the keys on the ground and crawled over to them. He picked it up with his left hand and frantically tried the on the lock. But he could not seem to find the lock on the cuffs. Then he brought his hands between his legs and managed to finally see the lock. He unlocked the hands and ripped off the tape and spat the cum out onto the ground. Then he undid the padlock around his feet twisted off the rope. Without putting them on he grabbed his clothes, the damp cash and ran back inside.

Chapter 3

As Chris limped into his room and quietly shut the door he realized that he felt the worst he had ever felt in his life. Just about 12 hours ago he had been having a great life, and then terror.

Chris tried to think about what he could do, but there were just too many variables. He had Bobby to worry about, although maybe the kid would give up now that that 3; whoever that was said he would stop contacting Bobby. Perhaps if Chris just had a talk with the kid he could make things better. It was so pathetic having an 11 year old order him around. Maybe he should just stop babysitting Bobby or maybe that would make things worse. God, the last thing he could do is make this worse. Right then Chris decided that he had to do everything possible to not let this get even more out of hand.

Then, what about that kid from the soccer team who had taken pictures of him. What if that kid asked the team about a secret soccer ritual, or maybe he wouldn't want anyone to find out he was there and would keep quiet. And he had the pictures, 'dammit, what can I do?' thought Chris.

And what about the guy who had raped him, well he didn't rape him, he just gave him a hand job, perhaps the worst ejaculation he had had in his life, or could hope to have. Would that guy come back, or be too afraid. Should Chris press charges, or what would the police think if they captured the guy. Chris had no proof!

And lastly, what about the sick pervert who set this up!, Chris thought with complete anger. He noticed that he was getting a headache that and realized that he had to be up for school in about three hours. Chris went to the bathroom and wiped the dirt, cum, spit, grass stains, mud, sticky stuff from the duct tape, yogurt and whatever else was on his body and in his hair off and then somehow managed to fall asleep.

Chris woke up the next day, showered and tried to clean himself of all the bad memories. The day was relatively uneventful, Mr. Roberts lectured in History, mostly about the Renaissance Art and the enlightenment. Mrs. Mitchell taught them all about the fun of trigonometry and this guy named Descartes. English was a real blast, today they got assigned to read Ayn Rand's the Fountainhead. Something about how everyone is selfish. Mainly Chris tired his best to focus on the day at hand and not the problems that lie ahead. He looked for that kid who took his picture all day but never spotted him. It was hard to really know anyway since it had been dark and there were a lot of people on the junior varsity soccer team, if he even was really on it.

When Chris got home he found a note on the table:

Dear Chris,

Great news, Mrs. Kalin called tonight and said that Bobby requested that you baby-sit again! She said that she and Mr. Kalin are going out tomorrow night for about 5 hours and asked if you could be there at 6:30? Congrats,

Love Mom xoxoxoxox

Yeah, great news, thought Chris. His mom had asked him this morning how babysitting went. Chris had told her that it went OK, with a pretty glum face. "Don't worry Chris," said his mother, "I am sure it went fine!" she had said as she tried to cheer him. "Yeah, it went fine I guess, I mean, Bobby sure liked the part where I stuffed ice down my underwear. Oh and don't forget the pudding that I ate out of them Mom, yeah that was great," Chris had wanted to say, but instead he just nodded and left for school.


"Good night Bobby and be a good little boy for Chris," said Mrs. Kalin as she closed the door.

"Hi Bobby" said Chris with as much calmness as he could muster. Bobby just stared at him. "Umm, how's it going?" Still no response. "Look Bobby, about last time, two days ago, I know all about what happened, how that guy gave you that stuff to do all that to me. It wasn't your fault and let's just put it behind us." Chris said as gently as he could.

"Yeah, it was his idea, he told me some things to do and said he would give me the stuff if I did them," replied Bobby.

"Do you know who he was Bobby?"

"No, Chris I don't."

"Well, let's not think about him anymore and get on with this evening. I know you are a good kid and that you couldn't think of something that bad," said Chris with a reassuring smile." Bobby just stood there again, staring ahead, not directly at Chris but off to the side.

"Well, what do you want to do?" asked Chris with sincere interest.

"I want to do more of what we did last time," said Bobby with a wry smile.

"Bobby we just went through that, it was not your fault, you don't have to go through with it anymore."

"Take off your clothes," said Bobby with no expression.

"Look Bobby, let's just talk this over."

"Take off your clothes," repeated Bobby, only this time a little firmer.

Chris backed off slightly, "Bobby, c'mon, this is a mistake, I know this isn't really you."

"You don't know anything!" said Bobby, quite adamantly "Now take off your clothes 3; or else." Chris just stood there, with little expression.

Chris could tell Bobby was quite serious, but Bobby must be bluffing. "Bobby, you aren't really going to tell her, I know you won't, just back off."

"Chris Burns, the child molester, Chris burns the child molester, Chris Burns the child molester 3; " Bobby started saying over and over again.

"That not true!" yelled Chris.

"Then do what I say or it will be!" shouted Bobby.

Chris' heart was racing but he did not know what else he could do. "Fine!" he shouted as he ripped off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and jumped out of his pants. "Are you happy now?" Chris said forcefully as he stood there with his bare chest heaving in just his white Hanes briefs and athletic socks.

"No!" yelled Bobby, "you are a bad boy. You failed to follow orders and you disobeyed me, you must be punished!"

"What?" said Chris as his expression dropped.

"Get down on your hands and knees," said Bobby. But, Chris just stood there. "Now!" shouted Bobby.

Chris, seeing no other choice, kneeled down and stretched his hands out in front of him, placing them firmly on the ground.

"What should your punishment be?" asked Bobby.

"I am sorry Bobby, I won't do it again," said Chris.

"Show me how sorry you are."

"Look, Bobby, I said I am sorry, I really am, what more do you want?"

"I don't believe you, I guess we should just forget about this and I will just tell my mom," said Bobby as he turned around and started to walk away.

"Bobby, I am sorry please forgive me," said Chris softly, with his head arched up slightly, chest and shoulders sticking out between his arms

Bobby, now 10 feet [3 m] away stopped and turned around. "Beg my forgiveness," commanded Bobby, with a grin.

With no other choice, Chris started begging, "Please forgive me Bobby, please, please forgive me, please Bobby, I am sorry 3; " he said in a meek voice trying his best to play along with Bobby.

"That better," said Bobby. "Come over here now."

Chris instantly crawled over on his hands and knees, his butt in his briefs wiggling as he crawled.

"Go back and do it right," commanded Bobby in a harsh voice.

Chris slowly turned around and crawled back, feeling ridiculous that his ass was now up in the air wiggling for Bobby to see, and looked at Bobby, quite confused. "What do you mean, Bobby?"

"Get on your stomach, put your hands by your side and squirm over here, then maybe I will forgive you," said Bobby with a feigned look of interest.

Chris lay down on the carpet on his stomach and began to try to squirm over to Bobby. As he squirmed his dick started to rub against the carpet. In addition, his underwear began to start to pull off. He had stopped and moved to adjust his underwear when Bobby shouted. "I didn't say you could stop!" So Chris kept squirming. He felt his the elastic waistband of the front of his underwear slide past his pubic hair and felt the back of the elastic clinging to the top of his butt. He tried his best to keep his butt flexed and tense to keep the underwear on, but that had the effect of pushing his cock against the floor even more. His cock was pointing down between his legs causing the head to rub against the floor. At about 4 feet [1 m] his underwear had slipped below his dick and he felt it getting erect as it rubbed against the floor. Now that it was erect he had to relax his butt muscles so that his cock would not be ground into dust against the carpet, but as he did that the underwear quickly slid below his butt and start to move down to his hips. He heard Bobby laughing as he kept squirming. By the time he reached Bobby his underwear was down past his knees and his cock was in a full blown erection. He kept his legs together so that Bobby would see his boner through his legs.

"Bobby can I put my underwear back on please?"

Bobby just looked at Chris, still laughing.

"Please, Bobby, please let me put them back on, please, please, please forgive me, I am sorry about before.." He felt so pathetic begging an 11 year old to let him pull his underwear back on, but he needed to keep playing the game.

"OK, you can put them back on, but only if you bark like a dog five times," said Bobby with a wry smile.

Chris looked up at Bobby. "Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff" barked Chris with little enthusiasm.

"That sounded more like a cat, I said a dog!."

"Ruff! 3; Ruff! 3; Ruff! 3; Ruff! 3; Ruff!" barked Chris as loud as he could.

"OK, you can pull your underwear back on and get on your hands and knees again."

Chris pulled up his underwear and adjusted his now semi-erect cock to hide it from Bobby, pointing it down to the ground.

"Good boy," said Bobby as he patted Chris' hair. "You thirsty Chris, you want some water?" asked Bobby.

"No, I am fine thank you."

"Nah I think you need some water," said Bobby as he walked to the kitchen.

"Fine, a glass with some ice please," said Chris.

After a few minutes Bobby returned and placed a bowl full of water on the ground. "There you are," laughed Bobby, "Drink up!"

Chris reached forward with one hand when Bobby said, "Not like that, dogs don't drink water with their hands!" laughed Bobby.

Chris placed his hand back on the ground and leaned a bit forward bending down his head. Now his ass was pointing straight up to the ceiling as he stuck his face into the bowl. He had never felt so ridiculous before. He slurped the water out of the bowl, until he had finished it. Some water was dripping down his cheeks and chin and onto the ground as he raised his head back up.

"Good boy, he likes his water," said Bobby in a doggy voice.

At that moment Chris noticed that he had to pee real bad. He thought about waiting, but knew that with the water he had just drank it would get even worse. "Bobby, can we hold on for a moment, I will be right back, I have to take a leak," said Chris.

"Ooooh, doggy needs to go pee-pee?" said Bobby, "Hold on I will be right back."

Chris just stayed there on his hands and knees until Bobby returned holding a leash. "Let's take you out for a walk so you can go pee-pee!" said Bobby laughing.

"Bobby, that isn't such a good idea, if someone sees us we are gonna get in a lot of trouble," said Chris hopefully laying the issue to rest.

"Don't worry, no one can see the back yard except from the woods, and no one ever uses the woods," said Bobby as he wrapped the leash around Chris' neck. "OK, boy let's go!" said Bobby as he walked towards and opened the sliding glass door. Chris reluctantly followed, setting out across the cold fresh grass. Bobby let Chris lead him around the perimeter once, Chris felt so ridiculous walking on all fours like a dog in his white socks and Hanes briefs, his balls and cock hanging between his legs in his briefs, butt wiggling in the air, hair sticking out of his armpits, while he led an 11 year old around with a leash on his neck.

"OK, boy let's go to the tree so you can go pee-pee!" laughed Bobby almost unable to keep control.

Chris walked over to the tree but stopped. "Umm, Bobby, I don't think this is going to work well."

"Haven't you ever seen a dog go pee-pee, you just lift your left leg up and then pee on the tree."

Oh my God, thought Chris, this was so degrading. Chris reached into his underwear and pulled his cock and balls out the left side of his crotch, he wanted to make sure he didn't pee on himself. The underwear pressed the pubes against his cock at first but he adjusted and soon it was swinging freely. Next he lifted up his leg and leaned towards the tree and tried to pee, but nothing came out. He looked back at Bobby he was standing behind him with a look of anticipation. He felt the cold breeze against his balls and realized that they were hanging out between his legs.

"Can't you pee?" asked Bobby

"I am trying, but I have never done this before." Said Chris quite matter-of-factly considering the situation that he was in. He slowly lowered his left leg as it tired out.

"OK, since you have been such a good boy you can pee in the toilet," said Bobby as he grabbed the leash and dragged Chris back to the house. Now Chris' cock and balls were freely dangling between his legs swinging back and forth.

Fortunately for Chris, Bobby let him pee by himself in the bathroom, a few precious minutes of time to himself, and it let him put his genitals back in his briefs.

The rest of the night went pretty much like the first, except that Chris was crawling around in his briefs and with a leash around his neck that Bobby had refused to take off. Bobby made him fetch things, even a tennis ball a few times. He made him get him snacks, change the channel on the TV. Instead of using him as a footstool this time he made him serve as a beverage holder, meaning that Chris had to stay perfectly still with the cold beverage on his bare back.

"You're the best babysitter ever," proclaimed Bobby as he wandered off to bed, "You can baby-sit me every time!"

Chris, finally allowed to get off his hands and knees laid back in the couch with a deep sigh and thought to himself 'what am I going to do?'

The End?